Choose A Bank with 114 Years of Experience

Somerville Bank in 1910
Mr. & Mrs. Bell (front)

The Early Days of Somerville Bank

Somerville Credit Card

Somerville Bank is pleased to now offer bank credit cards!

Click button below to browse the various cards available and apply online or by mail!


West Chester Location is Open
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The Somerville National Bank was established in 1910. The Bank remained a small institution for many years providing local service in Southwestern Ohio. Until 1989, Somerville National Bank was the smallest nationally chartered bank in the United States. From 1990 until the present, the bank has grown to seven full-service branches in Ohio. In April 2010, the Bank celebrated its 100th anniversary!

As of January 1st 2018, we became an Ohio Chartered Bank and changed our name to Somerville Bank, while still offering the same services to local customers as we have been for the past 114 years.

Our experience continues on. Currently, all of our senior management have been with the bank for over 20+ years. Each of them has over 30+ years of banking experience, with most of that experience occurring in Preble County, Ohio. Several of the local bank’s employees have tenure with the bank of 10+ years. The stability of our employees adds to the stability of the bank and to our knowledge of the market areas we serve.

Read about our new CEO >>

Our Mission

Be a low-cost provider of financial products and services.

Provide our shareholders with an above-average return on their investments while managing a well-capitalized local bank.

Provide a place of quality employment where employees are treated with dignity and respect and are evaluated on their contributions to the goals and objectives of the bank.

Support and foster community services that enhance the quality of life in the bank’s market areas.