Obtaining a degree from a college or from a university can assist you in having numerous career options and being paid a higher income. Unfortunately, the process to obtaining these types of degrees are both timely and costly. If you are like most, you will likely...
Thousands of consumers within the United States have lost both their personal information and millions of dollars to tax refund scams throughout the years. This year – 2023 – is no different. Scammers are immensely creative. They utilize many routes – regular mail,...
Individuals everywhere are currently preparing their income tax returns. If you are reading this, chances are, you are either preparing to prepare or you are in the midst of preparations. It is imperative that you know how to manage your tax refund. Once you have...
We are building a new branch in Eaton that will be replacing our 600 S Barron Street office. The new location will be at 601 Hillcrest Drive. Construction is underway and will be opening in early fall. Follow our progress here as we update you with...
Established in the year of 1910, Somerville Bank has a long history of providing services to consumers in the Southwestern region of the State of Ohio. By the year of 1990, it expanded to a total of seven branches – all offering full services. In the year of 2010, the...
Credit cards have the potential to be extremely powerful financial-based tools for you and your family – as a whole; however, as with all financial-based products, these assets need to be used in a careful, cautious manner. Credit cards provide you with the freedom...